Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Titus 2:1-5

For the next 6-7 weeks, we will re-play the Titus 2:1-5 sessions which originally aired from January to March 2009. Study notes are available for this study and are listed under the "Study Notes" section on the right of this blog. You are free to print these notes and study along with us. If you have any questions or wish to make any comments, you can do so here. As a reminder, you can find us on Facebook as "Women in the Word." "Like" us there and you can post comments or ask questions there as well. Thank you for listening and studying God's Word with us. It truly is a privilege to share with you!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Ending Ecclesiastes

As we end Ecclesiastes today, we want to ask you what you learned as you studied through this book with us. We share some things today that we have learned, what about you? Was there one or two things that really stuck with you? How can you use this book to encourage other believers?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Teaching our children to remember....

Ecclesiastes 12 begins with this admonition, "Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth." How do we teach our children, grandchildren and other young people the important truth of remembering? Many times in Scripture, God says "remember." One instance is in Genesis 9:15-16. After the flood, God told Noah and his sons to remember the covenant He made with them. The bow was that was set in the sky is the sign of remembrance. God desires us to remember His truths. By teaching our children and young ones of the truths in God's Word, we can be obedient to His command to remember. What are you currently doing to teach those younger than you to remember God's truth?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hope in God

As we begin our study in Ecclesiastes 11 we see that merchants and farmers must trust God for their livelihood in the midst of uncertain profit of investments. As the farmer does not know if his crops will yield food, so we do not know how God has ordained the future. As women, how can Christians grow in their faith? Matthew 6:32-34 reminds us to not be concerned about our future food or clothes as our Heavenly Father knows that we are in need of these things. The challenge is to not be anxious or concerned about these things. As we learn to trust God in the areas of our most basic needs, our faith can and will grow as we see God's hand provide for us. So how about you? What events in your life can you look back to see how God has provided for you. May I challenge you to write these times down and remember God's provision for you. I guarantee that this will be an encouragement to you as you wait for the Lord to provide for your needs in the future.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Responding to the Foolish

How are believers to respond to foolish rulers? Isn't it true that we often don't agree with those who are in authority - whether it be our parents, our country's leaders, our teachers or our pastor. But.....just because we don't agree with those in authority doesn't make them foolish. What does make one foolish? Foolishness is not based on what we think is best, rather it is based on God's Word. After seeking wisdom (James 1:5) about if a leader is foolish, praying for that leader is the best way to respond. After seeking God’s will and direction, talk with the authority about your concerns. Take caution to be kind and gracious with your words. Finally, trust that God can make foolish decisions be used for good (remember Joseph?).

Monday, August 15, 2011

Foolish Talkers

Have you ever thought about how powerful your words are? Solomon takes time in Ecclesiastes 10:12-14 to share the difference between foolish words and wise words. When a wise man speaks, the effect is positive; a fool's words leads to destruction. What are your words like? Do they build up another, or do they tear down? Are they filled with kindness (Prov. 31:26) or anger? James has much to say about the tongue and how powerful it is for being such a small member of our body. Take time to evaluate your words and perhaps ask another to keep you accountable and give you feedback about how you are using your words.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Solomon gives examples of four foolish men in Ecclesiastes 10:4-7. Of course, these foolish characteristics can and do apply to women as well. So pay close attention as we spend the next several sessions taking some time to discuss how men (and women) are foolish. The four men described are: Rulers, Workers, Talkers and Officers. As we go through this study, ask the Lord to reveal to you any foolish tendencies YOU have and then seek God's forgiveness and ask Him for wisdom (James 1:5).

Monday, August 8, 2011

Using Wisdom

Ecclesiastes is full of the importance of wisdom. Today we ask how Christian women can use wisdom in their home. Proverbs 1:7 tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge (wisdom); fools despise wisdom and instruction. To be wise, we must fear the Lord and remember that our main purpose for life on earth is to glorify God (Revelation 4:11). As we keep that as our foundation, we can then understand that using God's word in our home, in every day life is of utmost importance! In her marriage, a wife must use wisdom as she responds rightly to her husband in communication, submission, respect and intimacy. A mother can use wisdom as she raises her children to embrace their gender, modesty, self-control, discipline and obedience. In taking care of her home, the woman can remember that God has called her to be a keeper of the home (Titus 2:5) and she should take care of it in an efficient proper manner. To her parents/grandparents, a woman can honor them when she submits to their wishes (after God and her husband) and caring for them. Colossians 3:17 - "And whatever you do in word and deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

God's Sovereignty

In Ecclessiastes 9:11-12 we see even more explanation from Solomon about God's sovereignty. While it is generally true that the fastest runners win the race, that the strongest win the battle and that smartest people become rich, it does not always occur. The healthiest person may die suddenly in an accident. What Solomon is trying to share with his readers is that God is in control of our life on earth. No man can plan when he is born, neither can man plan his departure. As women applying this truth to our life, we must hold confidently to God's sovereign plan, not only for our own life, but also for the lives of our family and friends. Our life is in God's hands. This can give us a great amount of comfort and encouragement as we trust in His plan. A woman I know of has a young daughter who almost didn't survive after her birth. Their family went through a difficult time as the Lord worked in their daughter and eventually healed her. Just a few years later, this same family discovered that the husband had cancer and passed away within the year. This woman has been a testimony of God's grace and strength and has acknowledged God's plan for HER life in the midst of these difficult and trying years. She has shown joy and acknowledged her sorrow; but shows the hope she has in God despite her difficult days. What peace we can have through hard times as we trust wholeheartedly in God's sovereign plan in our lives!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Enjoy Life

Ecclesiastes 9 begins with the fact that all mankind will eventually die. The wicked along with the righteous have the same fate. The living are better than the dead in that they still have time to evaluate their life and how they are living, whether for God or self. Verses 7-10 then point out that believers should enjoy their life rather than despair over the fact that death will come. Solomon has written this fact before in chapter 3:13. God has given us good gifts to enjoy, food, family perhaps a spouse. He has also given us "toil" (our responsibility) of working on this earth. All these things can and should be enjoyed. Colossians 3:17 is a good reminder that "whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." How about you? Are you enjoying your life as God has given you? Whether you are a single woman searching God's will, a wife who is keeping her home, a mom caring for her children, an elderly woman in a nursing home, or a woman who is serving God in the church, you can serve God with joy. It is God's gift to you. Tell us, what are some things you are thankful for?